About Us
Kothivilla.com was founded in 2012 by Manoj Kumar with his 30 years of experiance in IT field. Kothi Villa is one of the best real estate platform to advertise properties for homeowners, landlords, developers, and real estate brokers in India. Kothi Villa helps in listing for Residential, Commercial, Industries and Land & Agriculture properties for buy, sale and rent. Kothi Villa team experts provides the extensive real estate service that includes advertising, marketing, lead generation and sales. Kothi Villa is all we need to buy sale and rent properties in all over India.

Kothi Villa users can buy/ sell/ rent properties on the same platform, Kothi Villa has also a dedicated app for their user for both IOS and Android, user can buy/ sell/ rent properties on both app and website across the India. User can also search agents, users can also list their properties, get responses in their dashboard they can also contact the interested person.